Terminal machine series

Operation Scheme of Dual-Head Terminal Machine

Fully automatic double end press connection high speed machine
Characteristic description
1. adopt Panasonic servo high torque motor, TBl and THK screw guide. Precision, efficiency and stability
2. use full touch screen touch mode to adjust, including wire length, opening length, half stripping length and so on.
3. using computer automatic test, under air pressure, motor abnormal, belt abnormal and so on, can stop automatically when abnormal, and show the fault cause, convenient and quick troubleshooting
4. the best feature is that the adjustment technology is simple and the time adjustment period can be greatly reduced.
5. touch-screen to adjust the location, depth and terminal of the touch screen are more precise and stable.
6. applicable wire specification: large wire, high temperature wire, silica gel line.
7 applicable terminals specifications: large terminals, flag terminals: 250 terminals, 187 terminals, Y terminals, circular terminals.
1. Intention
Learn the correct operation process, use power and ensure the safety of operators.
Two. Application planning
It is suitable for equipment operators and equipment managers to use and maintain equipment.
Three. Check before the homework
1. preparatory work before the start of the machine
2. check whether the equipment is smooth around, check whether the power cord has broken skin, and whether the switches are excellent.
3. View the method switch is in the mode adjustment method or production method
4. check whether there is dislocation on the upper and lower die of the terminal machine and whether there is any loosening of the mould fixing screws.
Four. Open the machine
1. turn on the total power supply, the terminal machine power switch, the machine enters the operation method.
2. turn on the switch of the mold adjustment method to confirm whether the upper and lower die is in line with each other.
3. manual method to test a terminal line, admit that the upper and lower die pressure is appropriate.
4. try to produce two terminal lines by using the method of switch production, and admit the terminal tension to enter the batch production after reaching the quality standard.
Five. Turn off the machine
1. after the production is completed, turn off the power switch of the terminal machine and power switch.
2. use wind gun to clean the copper wire and dust clothing foreign body in the cleaning mould, do well the machine and the peripheral 5S operation.
Six. Precautions
1. it is necessary to operate and maintain equipment according to equipment operation instructions.
2. it is necessary to keep an eye on the operation and operation of the equipment. If there are abnormal continuous operations, tell the technicians to deal with them.
3. don't lose your mind when you work, hand away from the mold moving parts 2cm or more.
Seven. Maintenance
1. daily dry cloth to wipe the dirt and dust on the surface of the machine
2. eat the copper wire, dust and foreign objects in the cleaning mould with a wind gun everyday.
3. check the status of terminal die everyday and adjust it if necessary.
4. check the mold smooth condition and die wear condition every week, adjust and add smooth oil if necessary.
5. check whether the grounding of terminal machine is excellent every week. If necessary, tell the repair part.
6. adding smooth oil to the active parts per week
7. pick up the dust in the electric box every month to see if there is any aging or poor contact.
8. check the belt every month for cracks, replace if necessary.

Contact Us

Shenzhen Zhansheng Automation Equipment Co.,Ltd  
Tel:0755-2719 1867
Address:9th Floor,Building C Pengyifa Industrial Park,Guangming new District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China

